18 February 2009

New Found Instant Lunch, Glory!

New Found Glory is a band with interesting ideas for the ending to their CDs. Each one of them ends with a great song, however, the song has eight more minutes after the ending of the actual song. What is this?

The time is filled with either a scream or a whisper of creepy voices. The band goofs off at the end of their albums by singing lyrics like "Someone's in your house" and screaming very loudly ten minutes after your favorite song is over. This is no bonus track.

Now, my alarm clock is my ipod put on a shuffle setting. Apparently, the band members think it is comical that I wake up to a voice whispering someone's in your house at 7:00 in the morning. I've never woken up so fast in the morning. I suddenly tried to justify why someone would be in my house so early. You know how you are when you just wake up. You're still waking up from that groggy stage, you don't know what's going on. It's bad enough waking up as it is, but imagine waking up to a little whisper in your ear. Who did I anger so much so that they would come to my humble abode?

Heart attacks feel so good after a deep slumber.

I bought a chicken flavored Maruchan Instant Lunch bowl today. The one with the noodles, sodium-filled broth, and...vegetables?

Yes. There are carrots, corn, and peas in the Ramon broth. But, they're all dehydrated. I'm pretty sure I'm not getting my full dose of nutrition out of these bits and pieces of corn and carrots. I guess if you pay half the dollar, you're going to get half the veggies. But here's an idea Maruchan, don't advertise a colorful assortment of vegetables dancing in a bowl on the cover if you can't deliver. I better get happy, hydrated veggies for my two quarters next time, or someone will be in your house at 7:00 A.M. and it won't be New Found Glory.

*The picture in this blog consists of an Instant Lunch bowl and the band New Found Glory in the background.


  1. Veggies? What are those? I try to steer as far clear of those as I can. Give me meat and potatoes, or give me death... :-)

  2. BTW, I downloaded a bunch of New Found Glory songs yesterday. One of them is Sonny. I like it. Thanks for the intro to some new music. :-)
