10 February 2009

Tips for Sarcasm

A little tip.

When trying to come across as 'sarcastic' or trying to persuade another human being, it is always wise to use proper grammar. It never hurts, or at least has never proven to hinder, a valid point. Check your spelling. If your grammar is wrong, there is a 76% chance that you are wrong also.

Caption: The photo to the left is a picture taken of a sign
written by one of my fellow floor members describing
his/her anger about the mess in the halls.
It reads, "That s*** was starting to smell
and since "were" to childish to clean it, I had to dump
it." The words 'were' and 'to' are spelled incorrectly.

I found the picture above in my hall. A fellow floor member wrote an angry note and taped it by a trashcan asking others to pick up after themselves. However, they went about it all the wrong way. The blue markings are all mine. I marked on the piece of paper and corrected the grammar. I honestly could not read it without blatantly staring at the grammar mistakes.

Two too many mistakes:

1. Were and we're are two separate words. They are not, contrary to popular belief, interchangeable. "Were" is the past tense of the word "are".

i.e. We were going to call you, but we thought you had figured it out by now.

"We're" is a contraction made of the word "we" and the word "are".

i.e. We're so happy you are here; now we can start the party.

2. Too and to are also two different words. There is another homonym for the word "to", but hopefully you know the difference between the two.

Too is a word meaning also or a word that emphasizes an amount.

i.e. I, too, enjoy a nice salad.

i.e. That is too many pickles.

To is a preposition or an infinitive word before verbs.

i.e. I like to jump. Can we jump to the mall?

I found a fun grammar game for disbelievers.


Use correct grammar. It demeans your intelligence and ruins your credibility when stressing a point. Would you continue reeding dis document if I did bad grammar and spells things incorrectly to? No, I didn't think so. Ethos ruined, end of story.

Extra Postage Required: Use a bit more sense next time.

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