09 February 2009


It has been 24 hours since my last post and I have found nothing to write about. Why is it that when I am ready and eager to write, nothing comes to mind?

I suppose I could start with my day. I awoke to the sound of my alarm clock, which is a ring tone by Secondhand Serenade (completely beautiful as a song, completely obnoxious as a ring tone). Anyways, I listened to that go off about 80 more times for an hour and a half and dragged myself out of bed at 10:05 A.M. Something peculiar came across my mind this morning, I was smiling. It was odd. I don't smile in the morning and yet this morning I couldn't give my cheeks a rest. I don't know what it was. I'll have to inform my doctor next time I see them.

I then proceeded to math class. I opened the large, heavy door to get into the University's building. Jesus, no door should be this heavy. One time, a girl walked in and I was right behind her. She didn't see me and proceeded through the door. The door, aiming to ruin my day, swung full-speed at me with all of its mighty weight. Needless to say, it wasn't pretty. Books everywhere, phone and battery askew. Anyways, math class came and went much like my last two relationships, with me sleeping through most of it. I then continued my scheduled classes with English where my teacher said my name for the very first time only to ask me to turn on the class computer every time I walked into class. What an honor.

Then I met my good friend Darrell in the building's center so that we could both go over some Spanish for class tomorrow. We know, we're overachievers, but we like it that way. We both went over our readings from Chapter 1 while I drank my Strawberry Banana Smoothie (It's in capitalized letters because it's important to me). Don't laugh until you have tried it. No, no, no. Not just any smoothie. It has to be from a certain cafeé.

I continued my day with a little math tutoring to prepare myself for my test on Friday. My tutor didn't speak much of the English language, well he did, but I could not understand him to save my life. I got as much out of it as I could. It was a good experience. I would just nod and say 'mmhhmm' if I didn't understand him, but other students continued to say, "What?" I laughed. Do
n't worry, I covered it up with coughs here and there.

After that, I went job hunting. I got my spear (resum
é) and my binoculars (regular binoculars) and headed out the door to paint the town red looking for a job.
Are you guys hiring?

Some people laughed, some just handed me a piece of paper, and I got to shake some hands. I feel it was a moral victory. I'll turn in the applications tomorro
w and see what happens.
I actually went to the top of a building in Phoenix and saw a beautiful city view. Wow, it was something. I also never have my camera when I see a potentially amazing picture.

By the way, to prove my dedication to this blog...I had to google-search the word resume and got several synonyms such as 'to continue' and 'carry on'. I just wanted the accent above the 'e' to look professional.

I also e-mailed my boy Bill Goodykoontz about his review on Pink Panther 2.
He actually e-mailed me back and the conversation went something like this:

From: Jennifer Giralo
Sent: Monday, February 09, 2009 5:25 PM
To: Goodykoontz, Bill
Subject: Pink Panther 2

Mr. Goodykoontz,

I type this e-mail with the utmost respect and I hope you can find it humorous.

First off, I think your headers for articles are quite clever, but I highly disagree with your opinion about the Pink Panther. I think you went into the movie anticipating a dumb story, and that just doesn't give the movie a fair chance. I'm sure you get millions of e-mails everyday, or at least I hope you got some for your reviews last week. Even though my opinion isn't read by millions of people, I still give movies a fair shot. I spent the ten dollars on Saturday afternoon to go see this movie, despite your brutal approach to a review. I found myself laughing hysterically and getting caught up in the plot itself. What a twist at the end! I just wanted to let you know that Pink Panther 2 was a hilarious comedy and well worth my money. Perhaps there was a typo. What's so bad about 'Panther 2'? No Clue.


Jennifer Giralo

From: Goodykoontz, Bill
Sent: Monday, February 09, 2009 7:17 PM
To: Jennifer Giralo
Subject: Pink Panther 2

Glad you liked it.

So talkative. That's what I like in a man.

While we are on the subject of abbreviations, I must address a growing epid
emic. Many students who use social networks and short-hand messaging have been using abbreviations for words such as 'totes' for totally and 'def' for definitely. These words were not invented to be patronized. Please, do not butcher the English language by cutting off the small amount of letters attached to the back of the word, also known as the suffix. Any person past the 5th grade in their educational career would know that. Abbreviations are totes not cool. You are just demeaning your intelligence.

Extra Postage Required: Use a bit more sense next time.

1 comment:

  1. Ah, yes, those smoothies are special, indeed. I'm quite hooked on them now. Thanks alot, Jen! (smile) Over use of abbreviations is not only annoying for the sighted, but it can make a message virtually incomprehensible to those of us blind folks who rely on screen readers that speak the same information. Your advocacy for common sense in this area is definitely appreciated. Hasta luego.
