14 February 2009

Green Bay Packers

It's been a little while, but I have a good excuse. You see, I was working for 9 hours yesterday and I must work another 9 today. That's 18 hours in 48 hours. If you subtract time to sleep and time to eat, I barely have 30 minutes for my occasional game of Scrabble. I haven't played in over a year; I'm due for a double-word square sooner or later.

Anyways, I would like to share with you two things I observed. They aren't quite philosophical, but they are no less important.

It was a Friday afternoon.
Walking out of the elevator with me the other day was a woman that I will try to describe to you. She wore black boot-like shoes with a pointed heel at the bottom. The heels led up to legging-pants that were complimented by a large belt. Her shirt was what I can only describe as an undergarment, revealing much of what I didn't want to see. I couldn't see her face, because it was covered in make-up and dark shadows around her eyes. When she stepped out of the elevator, she walked to her Escalade and blasted some sort of rap artist with an overwhelming amount of bass.

Please girls, you're embarrassing yourself. You're embarrassing me. When you are wear a jersey, or a t-shirt with a club or organization on it, you are representing them wherever you go. You represent 'those fans' and 'those members'. If I see a person wearing a Green Bay Packers jersey tear down a sign in a hallway (dramatization), I'm going to think all Packers' fans are idiots. Am I not? It's a sad informal fallacy, but it is truly believed by all. People live by these sorts of things. So, being a woman or being a man, you represent your gender, to a degree. By wearing skank heels and revealing tops, you degrade the female gender to meaningless stereotypes. I, unlike you Britney Spears-idolizing-nothing-to-do-on-a-Friday-afternoon-but-blast-my-dumb-music-hoochy mama, would like to be taken seriously in life. Now, you're not very well helping my cause by walking in heels that you can't even wear yourself. If you're wobbling, they're too high. Maybe you should get some heels the diameter of your brain, 2 inches maybe? Oh, the diameter is the measuement across the circle, usually used to calculate the perimeter of the circle (circumference) or the area of it. (10th grade Geometry)

Stop dressing like trash and try having people like you for who you are. Try, for a change, attracting people with your personality. Or, as I would bet money on, you are too insecure to have a real personality. So, maybe take some time to develop that preferably before the next time you step out of an elevator. Trade in the Escalade for a book or two. I imagine you won't get that much for it in the economy right now. We're in a slight recession. Read the paper.

I feel good. I don't know about anyone else. Now, we shall end on something pleasant. I have gained several wonderful friends in the last week or so. One of which is Darrell, a person whom I can discuss intelligent topics with and laugh about silly mistakes in the same conversation. I also met Richard. I was at work yesterday, for 9 hours just to stress it (actually that sounds like a normal work day for anyone, but I started work at 3:30 PM, so I got off super late). I texted Richard and told him that I was at work and starving and he ended up bringing me food to eat. What a nice gesture. It completely made my day and night. Those kinds of things really make me continue to stay positive.

That is all.
Oh and girl from the elevator, sorry I made fun of you. It doesn't matter, you probably can't read anyways.

Extra Postage Required: Use a bit more sense next time.

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