08 February 2009

The First Blog

I haven't quite etch-n-sketched this whole thing out yet, however, I think I want to write about general human habits and how ridiculous some of them are. I might critique critics or teach basic necessities needed for life. I think that would be something beneficial to read about. I'm just starting out, but I hope to gain your trust on crucial topics just as the government has gained the public's trust over the last 200 years.

I'm thinking about saying's or motto's to go by right now. Perhaps, something about kindness like,
"The world is difficult as it is, why not smile and make someone's day?"

I actually don't know if one needs a 'motto', but it couldn't hurt. Could it?

1 comment:

  1. It is very nice to see you blogging. I just know you're going to enjoy this immensely. I'm already impressed after just two posts! :-) You now have a place of prominence on the list of blogs and other web sites whose RSS feeds I follow in NewsGator. I'll have more to say later, but, now, it is time for me to get out of here so I'll show up to class on time. See you soon.
