07 March 2009

52 Card Pick Up

It seems I always write on different computers and this one doesn't have spell-check. So, let's see how I do.

My sister told me the other day how she compared life to a giant puzzle. Something about fitting the pieces together and making it work in the long-run, I don't know, I wasn't listening. (Kidding)

I guess I thought of my own little analogy for life today, however, I feel mine might be a bit more overused.
Maybe life could be compared to a deck of cards.
Cards intrigue me, they really do.
First let's go over why we, as people, waste our time in comparing life to anything at all. We do these things because it brings us comfort in life. It brings us meaning and a guide to a higher call. No one knows why we are here, so analogies make us feel better. Like religion.

Did I lose some of you? Yeah, I lost half of my readers with that religion shinanigon. Relax, I wasn't saying anything bad. It was nice. All good intensions here.

Cards. There are chances in cards. There are chances in life. Risks are greatly associated with card games and risks make life more interesting. Cards are loads of fun when playing games, however, when taken too seriously, they lack any type of interest at all.

Hold on. I want to just say something. I hate reading. I do. It is really disappointing because I love writing and writers have to read, A LOT. For this reason, when I write, I make sure that it is worth while and completely engaging. So, just so you know, every word I write is worth your time...or someone's time....or my time? You get what I mean.

I tried to make a card tower today. I honestly have never made one before. It showed through my work. I had a good time. I spent three hours of my life making a 3 story card tower. I felt accomplished by the end. That's how life is. You spend years and years doing something and still feel empty. You spend 3 Ron-Measly (ha) hours making a card tower and you feel like you own the world.

You might be thinking...writer, are you comparing life to a deck of cards or a card tower?

The truth is, I want to shuffle my life and play 52 card pick up in the rain.
I'm just worried about losing a few cards along the way. Aren't we all?

Go fish.

1 comment:

  1. Hola Jen,

    Life's like a deck of cards, just like it's often compared to a box of chocolates. From second to second, you never know which card will be drawn. Sometimes, it'll be the Ace of Spades, other times the Joker is wild, once in awhile you find a diamond in the rough and only a few times in your life will you ever come up with true hearts. Sometimes, with cards as in life, you must take a risk. You must draw another card. Sometimes, you'll lose, but you may also hit the jackpot. Sometimes, life is a real gamble. You need to know when to hold 'em and when to fold 'em. In cards as in life, we all need to stay in the game and accept the cards we are dealt. Sometimes, we must all reshuffle our decks, remembering that we usually want to keep the diamonds and hearts, tossing most of the Clubs and Spades along the way. An occasional Joker gives us laughs and makes our lives interesting.

    Buenas noches,

